3 x Tips on How to Talk to ANYONE.

Bradley Lay
2 min readMay 11, 2022

About 5 years ago, I learnt a simple trick which helped build my confidence with small talk 🗣

Over the years, I have learned that most panic when it comes to meeting new people for the first time. 😬Worrying about how they may come across, what to say, as well as worried about what the other person may think once they open their mouth. To be honest, it took me quite a while to build this skill too.

I then learned this small simple hack which formed part of my daily habit 💪, resulting in no longer panicking, no longer coming across as awkward and feeling totally confident when in these situations.

Practise every day:

  • 📆Daily Habit: I would use the opportunity to practise small talk every day where possible. Ensuring that in a situation if it went bad, then it would have no real adverse affect. This would be small talk with the barista at Starbucks, saying something funny (at least I would think it was anyway) to the cashier at McDonalds, or even just making a random comment to the receptionist at the gym. 9 times out of ten the reaction was positive and you get to learn what works and more importantly, what bombs!
  • 🧠Just say what is on your mind: Don’t overthink it, just say whatever is on your mind. Because we are practising, it really doesn’t matter what is said. The most important metric to be watching is their reaction, if they are smiling and engaging then you are onto a winner.
  • 🤔Don’t worry about what the other person is thinking: In other words, do not over think first impressions. Talk through a smile and ensure you are relevantly presentable. Instead of worrying about what the other person is thinking, as we are not mind readers, focus on the other persons reactions, which is a visible cue of if you are building rapport.

Overcoming failure is a crucial part of succeeding, moving forward, and making actionable progress.

But don’t worry: we’ve all been there.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Bradley Lay

Finance Director & Excel Geek!