How the minimalist movement can teach us to enjoy life

Bradley Lay
2 min readJun 9, 2022

We are only on this earth for a small time in the grand scheme of things, and should be ensuring we are making the most of our time and spending this with friends and loved ones rather than working ourselves to an early grave in pursuit of unimportant material things!

Some people have taken this idea to what could be considered the extreme, in what is known as minimalist life movement.

The Minimalist Life Movement:

A minimalist lifestyle is living with fewer resources, whether that be a house or possessions.

It is a part of the thought process of how a person chooses to optimise their life to live with as much minimal things and yet be satisfied with their lives, which I find to be quite inspiring.

Those who practise minimalism state that it is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom:

Freedom from fear 🐅

Freedom from worry 🫣

Freedom from overwhelm 🙆

Freedom from guilt 🍦

Freedom from depression😿

Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture most built their lives around ⌚️

Real true freedom.

The whole point of this movement, which a lot of us can relate to, is that there is not anything inherently wrong with owning material things, its just the value that most put on these material things over everything else.

We tend to give too much meaning to our possessions, often forsaking our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourselves.

Certainly food for thought and worth bearing in mind when considering the priorities in our own lives

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Bradley Lay

Finance Director & Excel Geek!